✓ Recipe: Tasty Airam's lasagna

Airam's lasagna. Airam's lasagna That's the way my mom does it. My name is Airam, pronounced like "Eye-rum." I'm here to show how fun, easy & delicious it is to be Vegan! I like to cook up some Mexican recipes, c.

Airam's lasagna Etter at røra har fått svelle skal den ha konsistens omtrent som vaniljekrem. Denne ble også mat hos meg på lørdag. Nu har jag så många matfoton att jag helt enkelt måste ta itu med några recept nu! You can have Airam's lasagna using 15 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Airam's lasagna

  1. Prepare 1 box of non pre-cooking lasagna noodles.
  2. You need 1 medium of eggplant.
  3. You need 1 of zuchinni.
  4. You need 1 of carrot.
  5. Prepare 1 of onion.
  6. You need 1/2 of red pepper.
  7. It's 1/2 of green pepper.
  8. You need 200 grams of pork.
  9. You need 400 grams of beef.
  10. It's 1 of glass of milk.
  11. Prepare 1 tbsp of flour.
  12. You need 1 pinch of numteg.
  13. It's 1 of salt&pepper.
  14. It's 1 of cheese.
  15. You need 1 can of ripped tomato.

En väninna bjöd oss på middag nyligen. Se flere idéer til Fødselsdag, Børn, Fest. De bröden har dock en tendens att sjunka ihop och bli lite platta vilket gör att de blir lite svåra att använda som hamburgerbröd. Se flere idéer til Børnefrokost, Sunde børnesnacks, Småbørnsmad.

Airam's lasagna instructions

  1. chop all vegetables and cook them until soft.
  2. add salt&pepper.
  3. salt meat, mix them together and add it to the veggies.
  4. when meat gets browned, add tomato.
  5. preheat oven to 210C.
  6. build the lasagna: noodles+stuffing+noodles+stuffing....
  7. To make bechamel: in a saucepan melt some butter. Then add flour and add warm milk while stirring constantly. Cook for about 10 minutes w/out leting it boil. When it gets creamy, it's done..
  8. Top lasagna with bechamel and cheese at taste.
  9. bake it for 15-20 minutes.
  10. enjoy.

Detta är en modifikation av Airams LCHF-pannkaka som jag tycker blir väl flottig. Allra lättast är det med en stekpanna helt i metall som man kan köra in i ugnen. De bröden har dock en tendens att sjunka ihop och bli lite platta vilket gör att de blir lite svåra att använda som hamburgerbröd. He found himself a grub sandwich to eat, mostly just to have something to do. He would have the best bragging rights back at school.

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